As a means of controlling spam bots, newly registered players must make a mod-approved post before being able to post at will... so don't be alarmed if your post doesn't show up straight away... you're just on probation to prove you aren't a robot from outer space.

Plop your first post in the Introductions thread and say a little something about yourself, or simply "Hi" if you prefer. That will be approved shortly by a moderator and then you are able to post whatever you want where-ever you want.
Much of our activity on these forums is hidden in a developer section, but the public section is activity involved with by all members including devs.
Please keep posts civil. Strictly no racism, sexism, marxism or any type of ism that causes other people to feel attacked in any way.
These forums are rated PG (Parental Guidance recommended). So things don't have to be all G rated and kid-safe, but they do have to be something that you'd be comfortable saying in front of your grandmother... mmk?